Baby Fern Shoots are Beautiful, Especially When Covered in Spider Webs

When I first moved here I spent what seemed like a small fortune on outdoor plants, potting soil, and pots. I’m not much of a green thumb, so most of those plants didn’t survive terribly long, but many of the pots with their rich soil became home to native species that thrive without any care whatsoever from me. One of those is the fern on my front porch. It dies back each winter, but come spring it puts out new shoots and begins to grow again. One of the things I really love about that fern (and ferns in general) is the way that the new growth comes out curled up and slowly spreads open over the course of several days. When it first comes up in the spring it’s nothing but curly new leaves, but even this time of year there is always new growth coming in. This one really caught my eye because of the wrapping of spiders webs around it. In the morning sun, several of the strands of web grabbed my eye and I thought it would make an interesting photo. Hope you agree.
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