The Spragueia Moth is a Most Beautiful Creature

I have loved these little black dotted Spragueia moths (Spragueia oragrus) since the first time I ever saw one. There is just something about the combination of the orange with the black and white that is really appealing to my eye (even if they do belong to a group of moths collectively known as “bird dropping moths”). They’re tiny little things and many people never see them since they like to hide inside the plants and vegetation that they live on. This one was in a pretty open space while it grabbed a snack from the tickseed flowers (Coreopsis leavenworthii), but as it crawled from flower to flower it could easily be lost among the leaves and stems. Those gorgeous colors actually work quite nicely as camouflage when inside the plant where they live. This little moth was one of quite a few pollinators of various sizes and shapes that were feeding from those flowers that afternoon. What was supposed to be a quick stop for a photo or two turned into a much longer session and made me a happy photographer and amateur naturalist.

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