Happy Independence Day to Everyone!

July 4 marks the day that the Second Continental Congress of the United States adopted the Declaration of Independence. The legal separation of the original thirteen colonies from Great Britain actually happened on July 2, 1776 when the Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence. The Declaration of Independence, which was an explanation of this resolution was approved on July 4, 1776, and thus became celebrated as our Independence Day. We celebrate by having picnics and cookouts, playing our national pastime, baseball, taking the day off work, and in the evening, fireworks. I also celebrated by introducing a new “American” artwork. It usually takes me several sessions to create one of these combination artworks. This one was actually made for Memorial Day, but when finished, I decided it was more appropriate for Independence Day, so I’ve been holding onto it for a bit. I hope all of you, wherever you may be, and whatever country you may be in have had a wonderful day. To my American friends, Happy Independence Day!
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