Lynx Spiders are Great Predators Just Like Their Feline Namesakes

Green lynx spiders (Peucetia viridans) are beautiful little green spiders that hunt by hiding in either flowers or nearby vegetation. They wait for other insects to come to the flowers to feed and they pounce on them, grabbing them with their long front legs and quickly biting them to cause paralysis. So far this year I’ve had a lot of good luck finding spiders with their prey. First it was an adorable little jumping spider with a fly nearly as big as itself. Shortly after that I found a really tiny little crab spider with an ant. Now, a week ago it was this little lynx spider that was eating a small fly inside a tickseed flower. The tickseeds are just starting to bloom, so I stopped at a patch on my way home to take some photos. I actually found several pollinators on those flowers, too, but I was really excited to find the spider. I could see it had something, but it wasn’t until I took the images to post processing that I was able to identify it as a fly. If you look closely at the second image, you’ll notice the spider actually holding the little fly up to it’s mouth parts. They don’t actually chew their food, but in the photo it does look like he’s getting ready to take a nice big bite.

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