Spiderworts are Dazzling, Colorful Flowers

Up here in the Florida sandhills most of the plants and flowers that I see are ones that like fairly dry, well drained soil. Even after a hurricane our puddles only last a few days before being drawn down through the sand and into the aquifer. There are a few places in this area that do support plants that need more water, though. There is an old sinkhole near one of the trails that I frequently use in Gothe State Forest and if it’s been raining much at all, it will retain water. Now that we are getting back into our rainy season it has a little water in it. I took the steep path down into it in hopes of finding some frogs, but I had no luck, there. Instead, I found several Ohio spiderwort or bluejacket (Tradescantia ohiensis) plants beginning to flower. I hadn’t seen these plants around here before (I usually see it down where my Mom lives), so I was pretty excited to have stumbled on them. I still hope to find some frogs as we get more rain, but I’m also hopeful that I’ll find more water loving plants, too.

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