Beautiful Alamo Vine Flowers are Very Early This Year

One of my favorite summer flowers are the gorgeous white blossoms of the Alamo vine (Merremia dissecta). I adore the crisp white petals and how they contrast with the lovely pink center. The stamens are also very interesting, being a creamy off white and curly. As you might guess from looking at them, they are in the same family as morning glories (Convolvulaceae). I was pleasantly surprised to see these growing and flowering on one of the roads into our neighborhood. They don’t usually start to bloom for another month or so. I didn’t even realize what they were until I stopped to get a closer look! The vines are still small and are just beginning to climb, so the flowers were down almost at ground level. Both of these flowers were in absolutely perfect condition and I couldn’t help but take a few photos. This is definitely turning out to be an interesting year.

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