The End of the Day is a Beautiful Time

Probably my favorite time of day (except for quitting time on a work day) is sunset. Everything seems so settled and peaceful just before the sun dips down. The day time wildlife, including many people, has settled in for the night (if you look closely, you can see the great blue heron that I shared the sunset with in the distance) and most of the night creatures haven’t come out yet. Along with the peace and quiet, nature frequently treats you to a colorful light show in the sky. Although I enjoy a good sunrise, for many of the same reasons, I’m not really a morning person, so sunsets are more my style. This particular sunset was out at Lake Wauberg in Payne’s Prairie State Park back in December. It was such a very pretty evening, that I took so many pictures and I couldn’t possibly share them all at once. Which do you prefer, sunset or sunrise?
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