The Lanterns of the Golden Raintree are Quite Colorful

Not long ago I presented some photos of some golden raintrees in the fall when they fruit. These trees are not native to the United States and are said to have the potential for invasiveness, but they are pretty common ornamental trees in yards in the central Florida area. The trees I photographed were in someone’s yard, and I don’t go up into people’s yards even to take photos, so when I found another one at the edge of a yard a few days later, I had to stop to get some good shots of the friuts and the seeds. The flowers and later fruits are what make these trees so outstandingly beautiful each fall. As you can see, the fruits are a gorgeous pinkish yellow. The round, red seeds are located inside each of the Chinese lantern shaped fruits. As the fruits age, the petals and seeds fall to the ground like rain to expose the seeds to the soil. I would love to have one of these trees in my yard, but I won’t since they are potentially invasive, but that doesn’t mean I can’t admire them in the yards where they already exist.

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