Vultures Love to Soar on High Winds

Thursday was breezy but pleasant outside and the vultures that live near our office were enjoying a little soaring. We have both black vultures (Coragyps atratus) and turkey vultures (Carthartes aura) that live there since we are near the county landfill. It’s not uncommon for the two species to live together since turkey vultures have a much better sense of smell than black vultures. Turkey vultures will scout out food, and black vultures will follow them and eat, too. Another thing that both species love to do is to soar on thermals on breezy days. Thursday they were definitely enjoying some soaring, so I decided to try to get some photos of birds in flight. That’s definitely not one of my strong points, and large, relatively slow birds like vultures are good ones to start with. Neither of these will win any awards, but I wasn’t totally disappointed in them either. And, I enjoyed watching the birds and the beautiful afternoon weather.

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