The American Crow is Very Interesting to Watch

Right now all the wildlife is preparing for winter which means fattening up for the period when food is more scarce. American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) are no exception. They are very intelligent, omnivorous birds, that in this area are here year round. Earlier this week I spotted this crow perched at the top of an oak tree near one of the curves in our lime rock road. I decided to stop and see what the bird was up to. When I stopped the crow spent a few seconds watching me. Then I guess it decided I was a threat and he started squawking very loudly. A few seconds later a group of about ten birds flew up from just around the curve and perched in a tree about thirty yards away. Once the others were perched, the lookout flew over and joined them. They then all sat in that tree and scolded me until I went on my way. That group of birds lives in the area and I see them around frequently. I enjoy watching them interact with each other and the world around them. The minimalistic aspect of this image prompted me to edit it in black and white. I think the black and white emphasizes the loneliness of that single sentry doing his job to protect his flock.
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