This Year has Been Great for Fall Colors

There are many places that are very well known for amazing fall colors, but Florida is not one of them. This year has been a great year for fall colors for me, though. Back in September my family and I went to Anchorage, Alaska for a couple weeks, and we were lucky enough to be there at the height of the fall colors. Fall in Florida comes a little later, so it’s here now. I’ve been noticing the leaves changing colors and when I came home the other day I found this arrangement of colored leaves down on my front deck. The group of colors really caught my eye and brought it home to me that fall is indeed in full swing. When I looked back through last years photos I realized that it was about this time last year that I took a hike in Gothe State Forest and found some gorgeous fall colors out there, too. Even though fall here isn’t as spectacular as it is in many places, I’m still counting myself lucky to have gotten two sets of fall colors this year.
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