A Pair of Beautiful Young Cardinals Make Good Subjects for Drawing

The last clutch of young cardinals produced by Momma and Poppa have fledged and started coming down to the feeding station. At first, Momma and Poppa cardinal accompanied them and Momma especially, would bring food up to them in the trees. Then the youngsters started coming down to the feeding station with their parents, but were easily scared away. Then they began coming by themselves sometimes. Since then they have gotten much braver, and also much more demanding. Now, although they’re not as brave as Poppa, they aren’t really afraid of me, and I had better not be late with the breakfast! If I try to do anything in the morning before putting out the bird seed, they follow me around the yard squeaking and squawking. They’ve even tried demanding food in the afternoon a few times (but that doesn’t work). A couple weeks ago I tried to photograph them, but I didn’t like the quality of the images that I got. They were good enough quality, though, to use as reference for a digital painting. This is not really my usual drawing style, but I wanted to give it a try. I’ve been working on this for about a week, and it not one hundred percent done, but it’s done enough to share as a preliminary. When the final draft is done I will share that as well.
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