Even Common Things Can Become Beautiful with Some Work

One of the things that I enjoy about being an artist is that sometimes I can turn mundane things into something beautiful. Of course, that’s not always the case. Sometimes something that I thought might make a good photo or drawing, just doesn’t turn out the way I had imagined it at all. Sometimes even after having put quite a bit of time into something that still turns out to be the case. More often than not, though, things come out as well or better than expected (otherwise it would get too disappointing to continue doing). As I get more experienced, I find that I have more good results and fewer bad ones, but both will always be a part of the process. Tonight’s featured image was taken a couple of weeks ago and shows a pair of Bahia grass seed heads. I took it while I was outside checking on the passion fruit vines. Bahia grass is a very common lawn grass, but in my opinion the seeds are pretty cool looking. I took a few shots of it thinking I could potentially do something artistic with them. I even had something in mind, but that isn’t what I ended up doing. I’m pretty pleased with the results. Let me know what you think.
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