A Series of Florida Trees is Not Complete Without a Palm

Well, technically I guess I do have a palm tree in the saw palmetto. It is classified as a tree and a palm tree at that, but it doesn’t have that classical long straight trunk with the tuft of fronds at the top. So for tonight’s tree, I’m featuring a cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto). These are another classical southern tree found only in the southern United States, Cuba, and the Turks and Caicos. In fact, the cabbage palm is the Florida state tree. It’s also known as the sabal palm, cabbage palmetto, blue palmetto, Carolina palmetto, or common palmetto. Palms are obviously very different types of trees from the live oaks, but both have become symbolic of the southern United State. So you see, the Florida tree series really had to include this beautiful tree. This particular group of cabbage palms grows outside one of the many small businesses in our little town. Like their smaller cousins, they are very tough and can survive hurricanes, flooding, drought, and even a lot of diseases.
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