Don’t Let Their Sweet, Innocent Faces Fool You

I realized the other day that I haven’t posted any domestic animals in quite awhile, and then last night two of my cats set themselves up in this cute pose, so naturally I had to take a picture. Don’t let them fool you, though. They look sweet, innocent, and perhaps a little sleepy, but as so often is the case with cats, that’s very deceptive. They were actually sitting on my coffee table giving me the ”stare” that means that I’m paying too much attention to my computer and have “forgotten” to feed them (as if they would ever let me get away with that!). I usually feed them about 8 pm, and about 7 pm they start waking up and looking at me. By eight, I’m getting the stare. If I get really busy and somehow survive the stare until 8:30 pm or heaven forbid 9:00 pm, they will literally start knocking things over and raising a ruckus. Now mind you, most of the time there is actually at least a little food left in their bowls from the previous night! Don’t get me wrong, I adore my cats, but I have learned over the years, not to necessarily to believe anything they try to communicate!
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