Who is the Cactus Bug?
Reblogged from What Next Photography and Graphic Arts

Reblogged from What Next Photography and Graphic Arts
Dee Esler is a practicing veterinarian and avid lover of all things animal and nature. She has a long background and educational history dealing with animals. She also works as an amateur photographer and graphic artist in her off hours, and is expanding that portion of her life.
The Southeastern Five-lined Skink had an Interesting Lifestyle tells the story of an encounter with a juvenile skink. It then goes on to give some information about these skinks and their lifestyle.
American Zoo Day is a Celebration of Zoos and More celebrates all of amazing things that zoo provide besides just animals for people to observe. It discusses the first American zoo and how zoos have progressed since then.
Pure Green & Blackjack I love to walk the wild[...]
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