Light Can be Something Interesting in Photography

This may look like one of those images where I decided to play with the colors, but actually this one has had minimal processing. Of course, this is not the actual color of the spider, or even the background, for that matter. I found this Mabel orchard orb weaver spider (Leucauge argyrobapta) last spring under an arrowhead leaf. There was also a bright blue horse feed bucket on the ground under the plant. The sun was shining onto the bucket in such a manner that it turned everything on the underside of the leaf a bluish hue. It didn’t actually look nearly as bluish with the naked eye, but the camera made the image look more blue (and I did enhance the color a little, but not a lot). As most people know, photography is all about the light, and in this case the unusual light lead to a definitely unusual photo. I doubt I could ever manage to reproduce the exact conditions that produced this photo again, but I did think the effect was pretty cool! What do you think?
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