The Fourth Image in the Trees Series is Here

Maybe technically, bamboo is a grass rather than a tree, but the photos that I have of it are perfect for this application. And I actually am not alone in (sort of) calling it a tree. The Indian Forest Act of 1927 considered it a tree, and made it illegal to cut it in the forests. When most people think of bamboo they think of Asia, India, and sometimes even South America, but wild bamboo is actually native to Florida, too. In fact, we are the only state in the continental US where it is native. Of course, there are plenty of imported, non-native bamboos in the United States, and all bamboos tend to be fast growing and can quickly cover an area if conditions are right. So I decided that even though bamboo is classified taxonomically as a grass, it deserves a spot in this series along with the southern live oak and the saw palmetto.
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