The Colorful Dancing Flames of a Fire are Enchanting

When I was looking through my archives for something fun and colorful to post tonight, I came across these photos I took last January at my friend Bea’s house. She loves having bonfires and has a nice fire pit set up in her yard. Pretty much whenever we get together, we build a fire. I’m not usually one for taking photos of fires. Even though they are so pretty to watch (I find the dancing flames mesmerizing to watch sometimes), I generally find that a still photo doesn’t do them justice. On this evening, though, Bea had some packets of powder that she threw into the fire and it produced some really cool blues and greens in the flames. I couldn’t resist trying to capture just a piece of it in an image. I set the shutter speed to as fast as the camera would allow in the dark and shot in burst mode. As is usual, some of the shots were horrible and some were pretty decent. I chose these as two of the best and most colorful. I hope you enjoy a little country living color in the middle of the week.

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