Here’s the Second Image in the New Tree Series

This was supposed to be last night’s post, but the internet had different ideas. I love living in a rural area out away from town, but it does have some disadvantages, and one of them is spotty internet services. Most of the time if it isn’t functioning well it’s just slow and you have to be patient (but I started using the internet back in dial up days, so to me this is relatively speedy), but once in awhile it just refuses to do the task. Last night was one of those nights, unfortunately. I tried it several times and finally got frustrated and went to bed!
Anyways, last week I presented the first in a series that I am working on that features trees. I’m trying to emphasize their individuality and ”personality”. The first image was that of an old live oak with twisted, gnarled branches. In older trees like that one, some of those branches become quite large, and it gives each one an individual pattern that I really like. Tonight’s image is also a southern live oak (Quercus virginiana), but it is a much younger one with a different branching pattern. It stands out in the area where it lives (which is not far from my house) because all of the surrounding trees are much smaller. There have been several fires there (one scary uncontrolled one and several controlled burns) that help to keep the vegetation from getting too tall or to thick. Eventually, if it survives long enough it will begin to spread it’s branches wider and they will begin getting more contorted. Who knows, someday it may become that old granddaddy oak covered in a drape of Spanish moss.
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