Let’s Sing the Beautiful Blues Just Because It’s Winter

It’s the middle of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and winter is typically a time of very little color. If you live in the north, odds are your world is varying shades of white and grey right now. Down here in the south we don’t have ice and snow covering everything, but most of our grass and vegetation is dead or at least a dormant brown. Still not very colorful. But just because it’s winter doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy beautiful colors. Yesterday I showed you the brightly colored yellow Carolina desert chicory flower, and tonight I would like to show you some blues. The flower was a natural yellow, tonight’s blues are not. These are a couple more of my renditions from the “playing with colors” category. Although the frog looks like it could be something from the Amazon rainforest or someplace else tropical and exotic, it’s actually a green tree frog redone in blue tints. The goat, on the other hand, has very obviously been recolored. They are two very different works, but tied together by the color blue. Let me know what you think. Do you like one better than the other? What do you like? What do you dislike? I’m very interested in your input!

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