A Rainbow of Beautiful Colors Reflected Through a Cloud

One afternoon as I was headed home from work, I was treated to this beautiful display of nature’s colors in the clouds. The sun happened to be in just the right position to shine a ray through the cloud and break it up into colors. It’s the same phenomenon you get when shining a beam of light through a prism in middle school science class. Obviously, nature’s version isn’t nearly as clean as what you get through a perfectly formed, man made prism. It’s also the same principle of light reflecting through water droplets to make a rainbow, but you don’t see this as often. It only lasted for a few minutes, and the most intense color, which was when I shot this photo, lasted only about half a minute. It was really cool to get to experience it, and even cooler to get to photograph it. Now I’m happy to share it with all of you. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
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