For the Love of Green Tree Frogs

Anyone who has read this blog at all knows that I love frogs, especially green tree frogs. They’re pretty common around here and most summers I have quite a few of them on my property. They tend to be nocturnal and they eat insects, so they will come to the house windows at night to hunt moths that are attracted to the inside lights. During the day time they sleep in cool moist spots. Around here one of their favorites is under the shutters on my front windows. Every once in awhile, one comes out during the day for some reason and if I spot it I try to take some photos when there is good light. During the summer of 2020, I found this one out on the front porch. It was sleepy and didn’t mind my attention much. I hadn’t had my macro lens for long, so I had to try it out since the frog was letting me get so close.
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