An Unexpectedly Beautiful Sunrise on a Cloudy Morning
As most of you know by now, I’m not a big morning person, so there are only a couple of times a year when I get to see beautiful sunrises. It’s when those sunrises are happening while I’m on my way to work. October is one of those times, and I do have to say that the sunrises almost make it worthwhile to be up and about. On this particular morning it was so cloudy and overcast that I really didn’t think there would be much to see, but as I headed down my road the clouds opened up for just a few minutes right as the sun was rising and we actually got a very moody sunrise. I stopped and quickly shot this image while I could. I was hoping to get a few more when I made it to a more open area, but by that time the clouds had totally covered the sky again and all you could see was a slight orange glow where the sun itself was. One of the things I’m learning about nature photography is that sometimes getting a good shot is just shear luck (not that planning isn’t important)!
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