It’s Cow Appreciation Day, so Hug a Wonderful Cow

Today is Cow Appreciation Day here in the United States. It is a “holiday” that was first started in 2004 by the folks at Chik-fil-A and was a result of their amusing “Eat more Chickin’” ads that featured cows encouraging people to eat more chicken (instead of beef). When it first started, Chik-fil-A gave customers a free chicken sandwich if they came in dressed as a cow. Since then it has morphed into a day to truly appreciate cattle.

Cattle have been providing milk and meat for people for thousands of years. The first cattle were domesticated eight to ten thousand years ago as people moved from being hunters and gatherers and began primitive farming. Many cultures have used cattle and milk (and milk products like butter, yogurt, cream, etc.) as a form of currency, trading them for other needed items or services. In more modern times, cattle have become a very important part of the United States and World Economies (as well as many other countries) and provide food for people all over the world. What’s more, cows are very similar to people in many ways. For example, we are both social animals that prefer to live in groups. Within our social groups we have intricate social structures with leaders and followers, family units, and even friendships.

If you have ever enjoyed a juicy steak or hamburger or a delicious bowl of ice cream on a hot summer day, you have a cow to thank! So on the second Tuesday of July each year remember to appreciate cattle and give a cow a hug!
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