The Beauty of the Wildflowers is Going Wild!

A few weeks ago, I noticed a couple of small bright yellow wildflowers beginning to grow outside our dog play yard at work. I wrote a post about them and hoping that they were the first sign of spring. It turns out that indeed they were! Now we are beginning to have some truly beautiful days (we sat outside most of the afternoon, today), but cool enough nights that A/C isn’t necessary yet. And along with such pretty weather and fairly frequent rains come lots and lots of wildflowers. At the end of last week I stopped on my way home to chat with one of my neighbors who has cows (he was out feeding them at the time) and I found half a dozen different types of wildflowers growing in the grass on the road shoulder.

Even before I made that stop, I had found quite a few other wildflowers at work and in my yard, and the azaleas are currently blooming like mad. The redbud flowers are already starting to go by and those trees are putting out leaves now. But the dogwoods are just starting to flower and so are several other trees/shrubs that I don’t recognize, so I’m literally adding new flowers to my collection daily. So rather than write about one specific type of flower tonight, I thought I would just share a few of the ones I’ve collected in the last couple of weeks.

Later on I will try to give you more information about some of these beautiful gems, but for now, I hope you can enjoy the huge variety of Florida wildflowers as much as I am! These are a few of my favorites…

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