Sunrise in Central Florida is a Beautiful, Uplifting Time of Day

I am not an early riser. I much prefer the night owl lifestyle, but unfortunately for me and people like me, most of the world doesn’t run on that schedule. My job requires me to be there at 7:30 am, and I have farm and dog chores to do before I leave, so whether I like it or not, most mornings I am up before dawn. Especially this time of the year when the days are still short. Down here in Florida our days are not nearly as short as they are in areas further north, but they are still short enough.

I do have to say, though, there is one advantage to being up early, and that is the beautiful sunrises. On my drive to work every day, I drive through farm country and woods, which also is a great venue for photographing sunsets and sunrises. Then, when I get to work, there is a large open area behind my office, and that is also a great place for shooting sunrises. Obviously, even in sunny Florida, we don’t get a gorgeous sunrise every day, but they happen often enough that I’ve collected quite a variety of images. Earlier I wrote a post about sunrises and sunsets being great landscape photos, and shared a few shots. I thought I would add some of my most recent sunrises today. Do you prefer to photograph sunrises or sunsets? Why?

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