Sunsets and Sunrises Make Great Subjects for Landscape Photos

Landscapes are one particular type of nature photograph, and some photographers specialize in them. Landscapes are literally everywhere around us, so finding places and subjects to shoot isn’t difficult, but a good landscape photographer can make these places look amazing. I am pretty new to photography in general, and I certainly am not a landscape specialist, but I do try my hand at it. My personal favorites are sunsets. I like sun rises too, but I’m not so excited about being awake early enough to shoot them!

One of my favorite places to shoot sunset pictures is in the woods in the area of central Florida where I live. I like getting the silhouettes of the pine and oak trees as part of the picture. They provide a nice contrast to the bright colors in the sky. Another reason that I like shooting sunsets (and sunrises) is that they change so quickly. In the course of a few minutes you may get any number of very different photographs in the same location. Colors may change, cloud cover may change, and even the way the light interacts with the ground, the trees, and the clouds is constantly changing. And on the off chance you get bored with the changes that Mother Nature is handing out, often a slight change of position or shooting angle can give you even more photo opportunities.

The photos I have put in this post are some of my personal favorites, and I hope that you enjoy them, too! Let me know your thoughts! What do you like? What don’t you like?

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