This Year My Daily Greeter is a Colorful Green Anole tells the story of a green anole that frequently greets the author/artist when she come home in the afternoon. It reminds readers that awhile ago a fence lizard used to do the same thing.
Yellow Rat Snakes are Beautiful and Great to Have Around tells readers the story of the author/artist’s encounter with a yellow rat snake in the woods. It explains why these are great to have on your property and displays several images of one.
Fence Lizards Love to Warm Themselves in the Summer Sun shows readers a photo of an Eastern fence lizard that spends a lot of time sunning itself near the author/artist’s front gate. The lizard is often there to greet her in the afternoons after work.
Old or Young, Deer are Highly Attentive to the World features a female white tailed deer and her young fawn at attention and then relaxing a bit. It explains why deer are so attentive.
A Little Family of Sandhill Cranes is a Beautiful Sight features the photo of a family of three of these amazing birds. It explains where they were and what they were doing.
Roseate Spoonbills are One of Florida’s Most Interesting Birds shows readers one of these beautiful birds that the author/artist was able to spend time with in early May. It also explains a number of reasons why these birds are unique and extremely interesting.
Carolina Geraniums are One of the Most Interesting Spring Wildflowers shows readers several images of this small, beautiful wildflower. It tells people about its range, habitat, and status. It also explains why it’s beneficial to wildlife.
The Nine Banded Armadillo is an Interesting, Unique Animal discusses several reasons that these small mammals are unusual. It also informs readers about their basic biology and behavior and shows them images from a recent encounter.
It’s Time to Celebrate Two Wonderful Years celebrates the second anniversary of What Next Photography and Graphic Arts. It thanks the readers for their input and inspiration and shares some of the best photos and artwork presented during the last year.
Dall’s Sheep are Beautiful and Agile shows readers a Dall’s sheep ram up on a high cliff. It discusses the range, feeding habits, and social structure that these gorgeous animals are known for.
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