Florida Cooters are Amazing and Well Adapted Turtles tells about some of the biology of the Florida cooter, emphasizing how well they are adapted to their ecological niche. It also discusses man’s impacts on their habitat and populations.
The Interesting House Sparrow Chooses to Live Near People talks about how the house sparrow has adapted to life near humans to become one of the most common birds on Earth.
The Iconic Red Legged Grasshopper is Beautiful and Amazingly Adaptable is the story of one encounter with a grasshopper and how it reminded me of an incredible way that they adapt to food shortages.
The Scarlet Winged Lichen Moth: Beautiful Adult but Bland Caterpillar tells the story of how I first noticed this beautiful and common moth, but have never noticed it’s well camouflaged caterpillar.
The Amazing Numbers and Types of Turtles in Florida is a brief overview of the thirty plus species of turtles and tortoises that live in Florida.
Northern Cardinals are Little Birds with Big Personalities tells readers about some of the author’s experiences with cardinals and relates some interesting facts about them.
Enjoying the Migration of the Beautiful Cloudless Sulphur Butterfly discusses the fall migration of these creatures through the Gainesville, Florida area.
Florida Gopher Tortoises are Unique and Amazing gives some interesting information about these creatures and explains why they shouldn’t be taken for granted.
A Adorable Little Spider is the Regal Jumping Spider explains why this harmless little spider is really cute, and good to have around.
An Unusual Sighting: A Pine Woods Tree Frog in January tells the story of a cute little tree frog out and about at an unusual time of the year.
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