The Beautiful Grey Hairstreak is a Flexible Generalist explains why this incredible butterfly has such a tremendous range, which includes most of North America and Central America, as well as northern South America.
The American Bullfrog has an Interesting and Complex Social Structure tells readers about the lifestyle and breeding behaviors of this beautiful frog. It also explains why it is great to have around in it’s native habitat, but how it can easily become an invasive and harmful species in other ecosystems.
World Nature Conservation Day is Important for Our Environment explains the reasons for celebrating this day and why conservation is so important.
The Blue-Ringed Dancer is Beautiful to See and Eats Pests describes the lifestyle of this pretty damsel fly. It also explains the difference between the damsel fly and the dragonfly. There are also several photos of these pretty creatures.
The Southeastern Five-lined Skink had an Interesting Lifestyle tells the story of an encounter with a juvenile skink. It then goes on to give some information about these skinks and their lifestyle.
Honey Bees are Incredible and Amazing gives readers insight to the author’s experience watching several new hives being set up in an organic honey business. It explains how the bees are transported, move into the new hive, and how the new hive is set up.
Pseudodynerus quadrisectus is a Beautiful, Nonaggressive Wasp tells readers about this interesting and useful wasp. It also explains the differences in behavior of solitary and social wasps, and how these wasps help your garden.
The Brown-winged Striped Sweat Bee is a Beautiful Pollinator tells readers how to tell males and females apart and discusses some of the habits of this gorgeous little bee. It also reminds people that they are great for gardens and nonaggressive.
The Beautiful Tufted Titmouse has a Dynamic Personality discusses the behavior and personality of this lovely little songbird. It also talks about their expanding range and nesting habitat.
The American Lady is a Beautiful Brush-Footed Butterfly details the author’s confusion about three species of orange and black butterflies. It explains how to tell the difference and adds photos.
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