Pavement Ants are a Common but Interesting Species tells readers about this small ant which lives nearly everywhere in the US and Europe. It discusses habitat preferences and favorite foods among other things.
Long Legged Flies are Great Flies to Have Around explains to readers why having these small, beautiful flies in your garden is a good thing. It also gives a little information about them, their habits, and their lifestyle.
The Boat Tailed Grackle is a Beautiful Coastal Bird discusses how to tell these birds from the American crow and from other species of grackles. It also gives readers some basic facts about these lovely birds.
The Beautiful American Crow is a Very Misunderstood Bird explains why these birds are important to the environment and discusses their intelligence. It also presents some interesting facts about this amazing bird.
This is National Honey Bee Day and It’s Very Important tells readers about the history of this date and explains why honey bees are important to the environment and to mankind. Then it gives readers a few ways to celebrate this important yearly event.
The Leaf Footed Bug Has a Beautiful Nymph introduces readers to the leaf footed bug, and specifically to it’s nymph stage. It gives a few facts about the bugs and tells of the authors encounter with one.
An Amazing Encounter with a Yellow Crowned Night Heron shares the author’s experience with a juvenile yellow crowned night heron. It then goes on the give some facts about these beautiful birds and their habitat.
Black Stink Bugs are Beautiful and Harmless Little Beetles introduces readers to one of the two types of black stink bugs we have in Florida. This one is a plant eater, but isn’t social, so rarely causes significant damage.Even though it has a wide range not much is known about it’s biology.
The Organ Pipe Mud Dauber is Really Great for Gardens explains how this unusual, black wasp helps gardens by pollinating flowers and helps gardeners by killing spiders.
The Beautiful Grey Hairstreak is a Flexible Generalist explains why this incredible butterfly has such a tremendous range, which includes most of North America and Central America, as well as northern South America.
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