The Asian Multicolored Ladybeetle is Another Good and Bad Story tells readers the pros and the cons about this imported ladybug. It also explains some of the biology that makes this insect a nuisance and also a help to gardeners and farmers.
The Beautiful White Pelican is a Welcome Snowbird in Florida shows readers images of one of the largest birds in North America. It also tells readers about finding these gorgeous birds and gives some information about them.
Caterpillars are Such Cool, Interesting Little Creatures shows readers some macro photographs of a salt marsh moth caterpillar as it crawls around on a passion fruit vine leaf. It also explains why the author so enjoyed them when they were around.
A Beautiful Spring is Springing in Florida shows readers some of the first signs of spring that are popping up all over north central Florida.
The Adaptable Ring-billed Gull is the Iconic Sea Gull explains why this gull is the one many people think of when gulls are mentioned. It also tells about how it’s adaptability was important to it’s come back after near extinction.
The Beautiful Cattle Egret is a Sensational Environmental Success Story tells readers about the author’s encounter with these cattle egrets in an unusual location. It also discusses how and why this species has done so well over the last century.
Northern Flatid Planthoppers are Common, Interesting Little Insects introduces readers to this small, flying insects that feed on plant sap. It explains their range, breeding habits, and lifecycle among other things.
The First Anole of the Year is a Great Sign explains to readers how Florida’s highly variable winter effects reptiles and amphibians and then goes on to tell readers why seeing anoles starting to come out is a good sign of warmer days to come.
Pros and Cons of the Interesting Eastern Leaf-footed Bug describes how leaf-footed bugs can be pests in crops and gardens, but also explains that generally nature keeps their populations low enough that damages are minimal. It also discusses the life cycle and range of this insect.
An Interesting and Exciting Experience with the Beautiful White Ibis tells readers about the author’s recent adventure with a flock of immature American white ibises. It also relays some interesting information about these cool wading birds.
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