These Beautiful Golden Flowers are One of the Common Colors of Summer discusses the summer season and how this summer wildflower is one of the earliest symbols of the season. It also shows readers a prime example of the flower with it’s bright yellow petals that are an iconic color of the summer season.
Carolina Desert Chicory is a Strong and Beautiful “Weed” tells readers a little bit about this beautiful weed and how it grows. It also explains why the author really likes this plant.
The Southern Magnolia is Another Great Iconic Tree introduces readers to this beautiful southern tree. It gives readers some basic information like range and preferred habitats. Finally, it talks about uses for the wood.
The Passion Fruit Vines are Doing Great this Year shows readers new passion fruit vine and flower images. It discusses some of the conditions required for these vines to grow and the reasons why the author loves them so much.
The Beautiful Powderpuff Vine Makes Great Ground Cover discusses this interesting, sensitive plant. It is non-native to the US, but common as a decorative plant and ground cover as well as an escaped flower growing wild.
Beeblossom is Very Attractive to Small Pollinators shows readers a carpenter ant and a small fly searching for nectar on the little flowers and buds. It also explains how this native weed fits into the overall yearly blooming cycle of flowers.
Mimosas Produce a Beautiful, Fluffy Spring Flower reminds readers of the beauty of the late spring flowers of the mimosa tree. It also tells readers about the bright green seed pods that will arrive in fall and are the end stage of these lovely flowers.
Butterfly Weed is an Unusual, Useful Type of Milkweed discusses butterfly weed, both as an attractor of pollinators and as a medicinal plant. It also tells how the author found this particular bunch of butterfly weed on her way home from work.
Spring Wildflowers are Being Replaced by Wonderful Summer Ones shows readers one of the author’s favorite summer wildflowers and explains why it’s a favorite. It also gives a few facts about the vines.
Interesting Textures and Beautiful Colors Make a Perfect Subject explains why the author decided that these Eastern daisy fleabane buds would make nice photographic subjects. It also provides some information about these wildflowers.
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