Yet Another Beautiful Native Wildflower that People Love gives information about blue-eyed grass, which is actually a member of the iris family. It also provides photos of the spring flowers.
Trumpet or Coral Honeysuckle is Another Beautiful Florida Native describes this gorgeous flowering vine in both words and photos. It also discusses uses for this attractive vine. See everything at
Along with Beautiful Spring Flowers Come Beautiful Spring Spiders tells about a breeding pair of spiders the author was observing in late March. There are several photos of the spiders.
Southern Dewberry Looks and Tastes as Good as Blackberries introduces the Southern dewberry plant, flowers, and fruit and compares them with their close family member the blackberry.
The Beauty of the Wildflowers is Going Wild! shares several images of the wildflowers that blooming everywhere during the early spring in central Florida.
Lyreleaf Sage is Beautiful, Easy to Grow, and Very Useful tells the reader about this gorgeous spring bloomer that is very versatile, hardy, edible, and has medicinal uses.
Carolina Jessamine is a Beautiful Early Spring Bloom tells how the author found a familiar garden plant growing in the wild and discovered that it was native to Florida long before it was used in gardens. It also discusses some of the interesting aspects of this plant.
The Beautiful Eastern Redbud is an Unforgettable Tree provides photos and text about the gorgeous tree and it’s flowers as spring begins in the central Florida region.
One of the Joys of Spring is the Early Plant Growth tells how the first signs of spring have started in the southern United States. It discusses the early growth of some plants and the first flowers beginning to blossom.
Purple Thistle is a Beautiful Wildflower in It’s Own Right tells how the author discovered beauty in the purple thistle plant that she had never noticed before.
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