Red Mangroves Provide Great Advantages to Their Ecosystem explains to readers how red mangrove trees create a micro ecosystem called a mangal. It also discusses several unique features of red mangrove trees.
Florida Has Yet Another Interesting and Useful Weed introduces readers to the hyssopleaf thoroughwort plant, a member of the aster family. It goes on to explain the various ways that this plant is useful.
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Beautiful Water Hyacinth explains why this highly invasive, nonnative plant is so bad for the environment. It then also some of the many uses that this plant has.
Spotted Bee Balm is a Beautiful and Complex Fall Flower discusses the complex structure of this pretty member of the mint family. It then goes on to explain the various uses that this plant has.
Panicled Leaf Ticktrefoil is Incredibly Useful to People and Wildlife discusses the various uses for this beautiful plant for both people and for wildlife. It also talks about the sticky seeds that these plants are famous for.
Spiderworts are Very Interesting and Beautiful Plants tells readers some basic facts about the spiderworts and Ohio spiderwort specifically. It then discusses edible and medicinal uses for this plant.
American Pokeweed is Highly Toxic but Incredibly Useful introduces readers to the American pokeweed plant and berries. It explains which parts are toxic and symptoms of toxicity, and then also explains many uses for the plant.
The Beach has Lots of Beautiful Plant Life, Too! reminds readers that not only is there cool wildlife at the beach, but there’s cool plants, too. It introduces the reader to the beautiful ivy leafed morning glory and some of it’s characteristics.
Finger Rot Has an Awful Name, but is Useful and Attractive discusses finger rot plants, also known as stinging nettle, bull nettle, or tread-softly. It explains the name and a number of uses for this plant.
Blackjack is a Pretty Cool Plant and Very Useful explains why the author likes having this “weed” among the plants in her yard. It discusses the wildlife that it attracts and the uses that people have had for it over the years.
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