Interesting Textures and Beautiful Colors Make a Perfect Subject explains why the author decided that these Eastern daisy fleabane buds would make nice photographic subjects. It also provides some information about these wildflowers.
Narrow Leaf Plantain has Interesting Textures and Shapes show readers a pair of the plants flower heads. It also explains why the author likes seeing and photographing this beautiful “weed”.
Happy Mother’s Day to All You Moms Out There! celebrates Mother’s Day with a number of beautiful images of the wonderful world we live in. It wishes a great Mother’s Day to everyone and especially to the author’s own Mom.
There’s an Exciting Diversity of Life in Central Florida describes how the author found five separate species to photograph within a quarter mile stretch in her own front yard. This is just a simple example of the surprising diversity of life in the sandhills of Florida.
The Majesty of the Spring Wildflowers is in Full Swing shows readers images of two of the many wildflowers blooming in Central Florida in the spring. It also explains the wildflower cycle and how it leads to an almost constant infusion of colors.
Let’s Celebrate a Belated Earth Day! was supposed to be Let’s Celebrate Earth Day, but due to internet issues that couldn’t happen, so instead it’s being published today. After all, shouldn’t we really be celebrating Earth Day every day?
Happy Easter Everyone! wishes everyone a happy Easter holiday and celebrates with an array of colorful wildflowers.
There Are Just So Many Beautiful Wildflowers Blooming Now shows readers two images of one of the many roadside wildflowers blooming in central Florida right now. These particular flowers are Texas verbena, which is native to the southeastern United States.
Colorful Coral Honeysuckle is a Beautiful Spring Flower shows readers some new images of this gorgeous, bright crimson spring wildflower that is also great for attracting wildlife.
White Sweetclover is Beautiful and Useful, but Can be Invasive gives readers both the pros and the cons of this non-native wildflower. It also shows readers several images of this beautiful plant.
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