Raindrops Add a Pearly Luster to Already Beautiful Flowers shows readers a pair of beautiful finger rot flowers just after a rain storm. It explains to readers why such a pretty flower has such an ugly name and discusses the seasonal wildflowers.
Photo Essay: The Life of a Beautiful Thistle Flower shows readers through photographic images the life of a purple thistle flower from the bud stage, through death and seed production.
The Alamo Vine is One of the Summer’s Most Beautiful Flowers shows readers a couple of these gorgeous flowers while they are wide open. Since they are a species in the morning glory family they spend quite a bit of time at least partially closed.
A Couplet of Narrow Leaf Plantains Make a Beautiful Sight tells the story of how this “mistake” shot turned out to be a good featured image. It also explains why the photographer enjoys taking images of this plant.
The Beautiful Color of the Orange Milkwort Can Be Enhanced Artistically explains the motivation for tonight’s featured photo. It also explains what was done to make this a unique image.
These Two Colorful Beauties are Summer Favorites shows readers a photo taken in the author’s own yard. It identifies the species involved and explains why they are favorites.
A Flower Can be Inherently Beautiful, Even When Gone shows readers an artistically processed image of a long past purple thistle flower. It then goes on to explain the artist’s thought process when creating the image.
Even the Smallest of Flowers Cab be Incredibly Colorful discusses the variety of summer wildflowers in Florida and then focuses on the pretty, bright fuchsia flowers of pink purslane.
Sometimes the Art of Nature Tells a Really Amazing Story tells readers the story that the featured image brought to the author’s mind. It also asks readers to think about what kind of story that the image evokes for them.
These Beautiful Golden Flowers are One of the Common Colors of Summer discusses the summer season and how this summer wildflower is one of the earliest symbols of the season. It also shows readers a prime example of the flower with it’s bright yellow petals that are an iconic color of the summer season.
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