The Girls of the Interesting Hibernaculum Continue to Thrive gives readers an update on the hibernaculum that the author monitored all winter. It shows images of one of the wasps beginning her nest.
Paper Wasps Have a Very Interesting Social Structure and Lifestyle explains how these beautiful wasps over winter and how they start new colonies in spring. It also touches on their complex social structure.
The Beautiful Five Banded Thynnid Wasp is Great for Gardens! gives readers some basic information about these interesting insects and explains why they are so helpful in gardens. It also discusses the author’s first encounter with them on a nature walk.
The Organ Pipe Mud Dauber is Really Great for Gardens explains how this unusual, black wasp helps gardens by pollinating flowers and helps gardeners by killing spiders.
Pseudodynerus quadrisectus is a Beautiful, Nonaggressive Wasp tells readers about this interesting and useful wasp. It also explains the differences in behavior of solitary and social wasps, and how these wasps help your garden.
Metric Paper Wasps are Nonaggressive and Great for Your Garden! tells readers a bit about paper wasps in general and the metric paper wasp specifically. It also explains why they are good for gardens.
The beautiful paper wasp may be able to sting, but it also has many benefits that help our environment.
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