Velvet Ants Look Like Large Ants, but are Really Unique Wasps
Ant or Wasp? One of the things I enjoy about photographing insects is that there are no shortage of them...
Ant or Wasp? One of the things I enjoy about photographing insects is that there are no shortage of them...
Pollinators Week is a Very Special Time reminds readers of the vital importance of our pollinators and celebrates the week with several images of various pollinators.
Interesting Wasps Were Imported to Weed Out Mole Crickets shows readers some Larra bicolor wasps. These wasps were imported from South America to help control an invasive species of mole crickets.
Beautiful Ammophila pectipennis is an Uncommon Florida Wasp shows readers several photos of this uncommon, solitary wasp. It also gives a few facts about them and other thread-waisted wasps, and explains the author/artist’s encounter with this wasp.
Hanging Upside Down Allows the Wasp to Drain the Flowers features a fine-backed red paper wasp hanging upside down in order to feed on nectar from a row of flowers. These guys are actually fall pollinators and just beginning to nest right now.
The Fine-Backed Red Paper Wasp is an Important Fall Pollinator discusses the lifestyle of these nonaggressive social wasps and points out their importance for pollination, especially in the fall. It shows readers a couple of macro images of these wasps.
Thynnid Wasps Love Habitats with Colorful Wildflowers shows readers an artistically rendered photo of a five banded thynnid wasp with parts of it’s body replaced by a photo of it’s habitat. It also explains why the author/artists chose this image.
Winged Sumac is Great for Attracting Pollinators shows readers several types of pollinators that can be found feeding on the now flowering winged sumac plant. This plant only blooms for a few weeks, but it’s very important to these insects.
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National Pollinator’s Week is a Really Important Reason to Celebrate shows readers several images of pollinators in action. It also explains the importance of pollinators to the world.
The Great Golden Digger Wasp is Wonderful for Gardens introduces readers to these fascinating, nonaggressive wasps and explains why they are fantastic to have around. It also shows readers several images of these colorful wasps.
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