Eastern Bumble Bees are Some of the Very Best Pollinators
Big Bumble Last week when I was out there, the roadside in front of the cattle egret rookery was filled...
Big Bumble Last week when I was out there, the roadside in front of the cattle egret rookery was filled...
Brown Wings Up until very recently, there have been a lot of these cute little male brown winged sweat bees...
Ligated Furrow Bees are an Interesting Type of Sweat Bee tells readers some basic facts about these little, social bees. It also compares them to some other types of sweat bees as well as providing photographic images.
Brown-Winged Striped Sweat Bees Have Beautiful Colors shows readers a female brown-winged striped sweat bee. It discusses a few facts about these pretty little bees and explains how to tell males from females.
The Beautiful Spring Flowers and Pollinators Go Hand in Hand shows readers a common fleabane flower with a small coppery metallic furrow bee. Both are common in the springtime in central Florida and work very well together.
Honey Bees are Great Pollinators Because They Work Hard explains why honey bees are so industrious. It also shows them a macro image of one busy at work.
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