Colorful Bean Leaf Rollers are Back in Florida
Roller Flight Here in central Florida we have lots of gorgeous butterflies of all sorts of shapes and sizes. Most...
Roller Flight Here in central Florida we have lots of gorgeous butterflies of all sorts of shapes and sizes. Most...
Fiery Glow Celestial fall begins this weekend, and although we are still more or less having summer temperatures, we are...
Downward Hairstreak Grey hairstreaks (Strymon melinus) are a very small butterfly, especially when compared to ones like the Palamedes swallowtails....
Uni-skipper Now that the butterflies are returning, I’m seeing more and more of them each day. Being very early in...
Hairstreak High Jinx This is actually a video that I took in 2022 and forgot about. Originally it was a...
Silver and Gold At the end of the summer, I had the incredible opportunity to capture a truly mesmerizing moment...
The Checkered White is an Interesting Little Butterfly shows readers a beautiful female checkered white butterfly. It discusses some interesting facts about them and about the author/artist’s experience with this one.
Little Butterflies Can Be Beautiful, Too shows readers a gorgeous little red banded hairstreak butterfly. It discusses the various sizes and colors of our local butterflies and tell the story of this particular butterfly.
Duskywings are Not Colorful, but Are Beautiful in Their Own Way shows readers several examples of these common southern butterflies. It discusses where the author/artist finds them and talks about some of their behavior.
Beautiful Butterflies and Colorful Flowers are Here for Summer shows readers a beautiful male fiery skipper feeding from an Indian blanket flower. It also explains why the author/artist was so taken by the colors at the scene.
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