Where There Are Insects, There Are Also Colorful Predators
Prime Perch When I was photographing the chaste trees and the many types of pollinators that were attracted to them,...
Prime Perch When I was photographing the chaste trees and the many types of pollinators that were attracted to them,...
Robber The robber fly, a cunning predator of the insect world, patiently perches on an aster, ready to pounce on...
Eastern Pondhawks are Colorful Dragonflies and Great Hunters features a female Eastern pondhawk that was hunting on the author/artist’s property. It explains why she likes them so much and gives a few facts about them.
Owlflies Can be Unusual and Interesting Looking Little Things shows readers an example of a Macleay’s owlfly. It goes on to explain where the author/artist found this one and gives some facts about this species and owlflies in general.
The Ebony Jewelwing is a Stunning and Unusual Damselfly shows readers the gorgeous male ebony jewelwing and explains why it is somewhat different from most other damselflies. It also provides readers with information about the range and lifecycle.
Everybody Loves the Beautiful Seven Spotted Ladybug introduces readers to this common ladybug that was imported from Europe to eat aphids. It also gives readers some interesting facts about these cool insects.
The Asian Multicolored Ladybeetle is Another Good and Bad Story tells readers the pros and the cons about this imported ladybug. It also explains some of the biology that makes this insect a nuisance and also a help to gardeners and farmers.
The Colorful Red Bull Assassin is Great for Pest Control discusses the Red Bull assassin bug and assassin bugs in general. It also tells the story of the author’s interactions with this particular bug.
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