The Sticky Seeds of the Beautiful Blackjack Plant are Effective
Beggar’s Sticks One of the main flowering plants that I have growing wild on my property are the blackjacks (Bidens...
Beggar’s Sticks One of the main flowering plants that I have growing wild on my property are the blackjacks (Bidens...
Late Beauty There are quite a few American beautyberry bushes (Callicarpa americana) that grow wild on my property and I...
Solstice Sumac Many people consider the period around the winter solstice to be a beautiful time of the year. They...
Autumn Bulltongue This morning, I was up and about earlier than usual, since I had to go to work for...
Resurrection Fern We have quite a few ferns that grow here in the southeastern United States, and they come in...
Fern Frizz It was a perfect afternoon this afternoon, and I was longing to be outside doing something. I had...
Baby Fern Shoots are Beautiful, Especially When Covered in Spider Webs features a photo of a newly emerging fern leaf that is surrounded with spider webs. It explains why the author/artist chose to take and to use this image
Fiery Colors Give New Life to a Group of Sedge Fruits describes the author/artist’s process for developing tonight’s colorful artistically modified photo.
Grasses are Beautiful When Perfectly Lit Up features a large spray of Johnson grass as it picks up the last of the afternoon light at dusk.
Late Year Dog Fennel Seeds Can be Glowingly Beautiful features a dog fennel plant in seed picking up the late afternoon light. It also tells readers a little bit about the plants in general and about the author/artist’s experience with them.
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