The Amazing Honey Bee Carries Colorful Pollen on it’s Legs shows readers a honey bee loaded with pollen as it heads back to the hive. It goes on to explain how and why they transport pollen.
The Beautiful Purple Love Grass Makes a Colorful Mist explains to readers why purple lovegrass is one of the author’s favorites. It also shows readers an artistically styled image of the beautiful flowering grass.
Florida Paintbrush Has Showy and Colorful Flowers Each Fall shows readers the beauty of the Florida paintbrush blooms. It discusses these flowers range, uses as an ornamental and attractiveness to pollinators.
The Colorful Delta Flower Scarab Beetle Lives for Beautiful Flowers shows readers this gorgeous little beetle and explains why they are great pollinators for many species of flowers. It also shares some basic information about their lifestyles and habits.
The Beautiful Marsh Bristlegrass Produces Colorful Fall Seeds shows readers how attractive the seed heads of this fall grass are. It goes on to explain why the author/artist finds this fall grass to be so pretty.
The Spiny Orb Weaver is a Colorful and Beautiful Spider explains the author/artist’s thinking process while creating tonight’s image.
Handsome Kai has Become a Wonderful Companion describes to readers how this handsome tabby cat adopted the author/artist and then moved in to become a great buddy.
Golden Rain Tree is Beautiful but Invasive shows readers a fruiting specimen of this gorgeous tree. It goes on to explain why gardeners love it and how many of those attributes are also what makes it a Category II invasive species.
Honey Bees are Great Pollinators Because They Work Hard explains why honey bees are so industrious. It also shows them a macro image of one busy at work.
It’s Beautiful When the Colorful Sunrise Reflects in the Clouds shows readers a recent sunrise over the woods in central Florida. It was a cloudy day and the light and color from the rising sun reflected off the bottoms of the clouds.
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