Milkweed Assassin Bugs are Great Hunters and Pest Controllers features a milkweed assassin bug that was found hunting in a patch of tickseed flowers. It describes the bug’s range, diet, hunting styles, and the author/artist’s feelings about the bug being there.
Baby Fern Shoots are Beautiful, Especially When Covered in Spider Webs features a photo of a newly emerging fern leaf that is surrounded with spider webs. It explains why the author/artist chose to take and to use this image
The Wonderful Boat Tailed Grackle is Often Found Near Water shows a female grackle as she watches and then captures an insect. It discusses where this bird was and what she was doing there other than hunting.
Owlflies Can be Unusual and Interesting Looking Little Things shows readers an example of a Macleay’s owlfly. It goes on to explain where the author/artist found this one and gives some facts about this species and owlflies in general.
Noble Scoliid Wasps are Beautiful and Great for the Environment shows readers what these pretty wasps look like. It explains some of the basic facts about them and discusses where these wasps were found.
Rainy Day Crepe Myrtles This has not been a very good week for me. It started with my loosing one...
The Spragueia Moth is a Most Beautiful Creature features images of one of the author/artist’s favorite moths. It goes on to explain why she finds these moths so attractive and where this one was found.
The Luna Moth Caterpillar is Beautiful and Stunning shows readers a fourth instar Luna moth caterpillar. It discusses how beautiful both the caterpillars and the moths are tells a little bit about their unusual lifestyle.
The Northern Mockingbird is One of Nature’s Most Interesting features a northern mockingbird, which happens to be the Florida State Bird. It explains why these birds are so interesting and full of personality.
Fence Lizards Love to Warm Themselves in the Summer Sun shows readers a photo of an Eastern fence lizard that spends a lot of time sunning itself near the author/artist’s front gate. The lizard is often there to greet her in the afternoons after work.
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