The Power of Recycling reminds readers how recycling can make a big impact on our environment. It also explains how recycling can save money and create jobs as well as decreasing drain on natural resources, saving energy, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Blister Beetles are Beautiful to Look at, but Don’t Touch shows readers a fall blister beetle that the author/artist found eating the petals of a flower. It explains why they can cause blisters in people and horses and also gives some other information about them.
Here Are Just a Few of Our Beautiful Fall Wildflowers introduces readers to a few of the wildflowers that are blooming like crazy right now in central Florida. All of these flowers are great for attracting pollinators and wildlife.
Practice Makes Perfect and Sometimes Makes a Cute Photo shows readers a cute little eastern grey squirrel caught in a pose that looks like she just got caught doing something bad. It was taken while the author/artist was practicing with photography.
Illuminated Swallowtail Since Hurricane Idalia came through our fall wildflowers have been blooming like crazy and they are attracting some...
The Eastern Towhee Tends to be Rather Shy tells the story of how the author/artist first spotted this bird and how difficult it’s been to photographs because of it reclusive habits. It also gives some basic facts about the species.
Harnessing the Incredible Power of the Wind discusses the importance of wind energy as an alternative to fossil fuels. It explains why wind power is a good alternative energy source and points out some of the the advantages and disadvantages of wind power.
This Big, Beautiful Lady Lives my Garden shows readers a large, very healthy looking female yellow garden spider. It discusses where she was found and why she was probably there.
The Bee Flies Have Been Really Enjoying the Fall Flora explains our recent weather that has led to a sudden large bloom of fall flowers. It then discusses one of the pollinators that has found these flowers so attractive and explains the sequence of images.
August Brought Fall Wildflowers and a Hurricane is the latest newsletter from What Next Photography and Graphic Arts. It summarizes the month of August, 2023.
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