The Northern Crab Spider is Another Beautiful Little Ambush Hunter
The Stealthy Stalker Just like yesterday’s little lynx spider, this northern crab spider (Mecaphesea asperata) is a very small ambush...
The Stealthy Stalker Just like yesterday’s little lynx spider, this northern crab spider (Mecaphesea asperata) is a very small ambush...
Hidden Northern crab spiders (Mecaphesa asperata) are interesting, and rather devious little hunters. Unlike a lot of spiders, they don’t...
The Spider and the Ant is Another Interesting Nature Story features a small northern crab spider with an ant that it just caught. It tells the story of the image and the author/artist’s experiences this spring with these spiders.
The Northern Crab Spider is Amazing and Really Cool tells the author’s story of finding a tiny white crab spider on a flower. It then describes the difficulties encountered in trying to identify the species this spider.
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