It’s Been a Little While Since I’ve Posted a Beautiful Sunset features Monday evening’s sunset over the woods in north central Florida. It explains how the author/artist felt about this sunset and sunsets in general.
The Clouds in the East Can be Beautiful at Sunset shows a cloud bank in the eastern sky that is picking up color from the sun setting in the west. The west was pretty cloudy, so only a little light got through and it all seemed to fall here for just a few seconds.
The Power of Recycling reminds readers how recycling can make a big impact on our environment. It also explains how recycling can save money and create jobs as well as decreasing drain on natural resources, saving energy, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
I Really Do Love My Frogs presents an American bullfrog who was found sunning himself shortly after Hurricane Idalia came through. It discusses the lack of frogs this year due to the dry conditions and hopes for a better frog year in 2024.
Harnessing the Incredible Power of the Wind discusses the importance of wind energy as an alternative to fossil fuels. It explains why wind power is a good alternative energy source and points out some of the the advantages and disadvantages of wind power.
The Bee Flies Have Been Really Enjoying the Fall Flora explains our recent weather that has led to a sudden large bloom of fall flowers. It then discusses one of the pollinators that has found these flowers so attractive and explains the sequence of images.
August Brought Fall Wildflowers and a Hurricane is the latest newsletter from What Next Photography and Graphic Arts. It summarizes the month of August, 2023.
The Important Link Between the Environment and Our Future reminds readers of the importance of the environment in life today and in the future. It warns that without better stewardship of our environment we will destroy things for future generations.
Tired Poppa Earlier this week, I posted some pictures of my Momma cardinal at the feeding station and looking a...
The Amazing Impact of the Environment on Human Well-being reminds readers of the tight connection between the health of our environment and human health. It explains several ways that the environment effects us and our health. Then it reminds us of the importance of trying to live an environmentally sustainable lifestyle. It points out that this is the responsibility of each of us.
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