It’s National Get Outdoors Day, so Have an Amazing Day!
It’s National Get Outdoors Day, So Have an Amazing Day! reminds people to get outside, enjoy nature, and have fun in the fresh air.
It’s National Get Outdoors Day, So Have an Amazing Day! reminds people to get outside, enjoy nature, and have fun in the fresh air.
Yesterday was World Environment Day! aims to celebrate this special yearly event established by the United Nations. This year it also kicks off a decade devoted to protecting and restoring the environment all around the world.
How to Take Great Nature Photos: Use Single Points explores using single points of interest or single subjects to create interesting and powerful images. It touches on ways to make the subject stand out, how to use the rest of the space, and reminds us how to use balance to evoke strong emotions.
Hope Everyone is Having a Great Memorial Day! wishes everyone a great day, and urges us to all take a few minutes to remember those who have been lost and appreciate what we have n this great country.
Henry Beck Park is Beautiful and Perfect for Nature Watching tells of the author’s trip to a small, relatively unknown Florida park. It describes the park, it’s family oriented nature, and some of the wildlife to be seen there.
Happy Mother’s Day to All the Wonderful Mothers Including Mother Earth! wishes everyone a Happy Mother’s Day and shares some of the beauty of the Mother of us all, Mother Earth.
How to Take Great Nature Photos: Use Frames discusses the various types of framing techniques that can be used in photography. It also talks about why using frames is a good compositional item and some advantages that using frames gives us.
Happy Earth Day to You! Wishes everyone a great Earth Day 2021 by sharing several images of Mother Earth. It also reminds us of what Earth Day is all about.
Bushy Antennae Most of the time we look at the world from eye level. That is a natural thing to...
How to Take Great Nature Photos: Use Silhouettes discusses using silhouettes in nature photography and gives some pointers for getting good silhouette photos. Learn more at www.whatnext10.com
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